TO YOU TO YOU TO YOU: Love Letters to a (Post)Europe
Edited by Lisa Alexander
Book launch Thursday 4th October 2018, 19:00 - 21:00 2018 RSVP
Live Art Development Agency - LADA, The Garrett Centre, 117a Mansford Street, London, E2 6LX
The evening will include screenings, discussions and readings of open letters, with contributions from Lisa Alexander, Demosthenes Agrafiotis, Season Butler, Catherine Hoffmann, Claire MacDonald, Ivana Müller, Mary Paterson and Maria Sideri and more.
TO YOU TO YOU TO YOU, Love Letters to a (Post)Europe is an intimate collection of letters, poetry and postscripts by artists and writers that seeks to connect, exchange and witness through the action, idea or form of a love letter and marks a critical period in Europe’s recent past and present.
In the midst of rapid change, polarisation and crises of social imagination in the UK and mainland Europe, TO YOU TO YOU TO YOU suggests that small acts of imagination and friendship can become radical interventions.
TO YOU TO YOU TO YOU builds on the Love Letters to a (Post)Europe programme that took place at Bios, Athens in 2015, in which twenty six artists created short works in an act of gifting and assembly. The publication includes contributions from Kate Adams, Demosthenes Agrafiotis, Brian Catling & David Tolley, cris cheek, Robin Deacon, Tim Etchells, Alec Finlay, Matthew Goulish, Guy Harries, Steven C Harvey, Catherine Hoffmann, Wendy Houstoun, Mikhail Karikis, Brian Lobel, Claire MacDonald, Georgios Makkas, Ivana Müller, Mariela Nestora, Kira O’Reilly, Florence Peake, Erica Scourti, Maria Sideri, Anna Sherbany, Jungmin Song, Yoko Tawada, Nikki Tomlinson, a correspondence between Lisa Alexander and Mary Paterson, and an essay by Claire MacDonald.
TO YOU TO YOU TO YOU is published by the Live Art Development Agency and is supported using public funding by Art Council England.
Book designed by David Caines.
“TO YOU TO YOU TO YOU could not be more timely. Whilst the artistic riches and influential thinking that have been generated through the relationships, collaborations and exchanges of ideas and practices between artists, writers, producers and cultural activists across Europe over the decades have opened up all kinds of connections and possibilities, the prospect of Brexit threatens to undo so much of what has been achieved by so many and to drastically diminish the cultural life of the UK.” - Lois Keidan
“Love Letters to a (Post)Europe brought together a wide range of artists to consider the European crisis…connecting artistic practice and intervention with solidarity as a mode of visibility”.
Diana Damian Martin, Exeunt