Locus Sous, Benaki Museum, Athens 24/09/10 - 10/10/10
Devised and performed by Lisa Alexander and Vassiliki Dimou
Curator: Sozita Goudouna, Out of the Box Intermedia
Dubito² was a durational work comprising a series episodic and participatory encounters responding to Raymond Roussel's novel and its intersection between art, science and personhood. It was created for Locus Solus at the Benaki Museum’s Pireos Street Annexe.
"Locus Solus is a labyrinthine installation, an entity with many discrete parts (of spaces within spaces, of events within events) that generates critical “points of view,” concerning visual and theatrical practice. Based on Raymond Roussel’s classic text, the production deploys a scenographic model based on an analogy between the central character’s laboratories and a museum (cabinet of curiosities)...The project reconsiders the work of the proto-surrealist writer so as to examine intermediality as a radical force that operates in-between realities and that involves new modes of representation, new dramaturgical strategies, new ways of creating temporal and spatial interrelations."